Take The Shape Test
Let HCCC Help You Discover Your Spiritual Gift and God's Purpose for Your Life.
Let HCCC Help You Discover Your Spiritual Gift and God's Purpose for Your Life.
Here is what you do to take the test
Step 1 : Go to the website www.freeshapetest.com
Step 2: Take the free S.H.A.P.E. Test and enter [email protected] as the email address of your church leader
Step 3: Follow up with a Hill Country Cowboy Church leader and begin to use your gifts to love God, love people, and make disciples.
Step 2: Take the free S.H.A.P.E. Test and enter [email protected] as the email address of your church leader
Step 3: Follow up with a Hill Country Cowboy Church leader and begin to use your gifts to love God, love people, and make disciples.